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Decoding DevOps
Section0: Introduction
What is DevOps Video (15:35)
What is Continuous Integration Video (7:52)
What is Continuous Delivery Video (5:11)
Your Prerequisites (3:30)
Tools Prerequisites Setup (38:41)
Section1: VM Setup
1. Introduction (3:52)
2. VM Setup Manually (15:11)
3. VM Setup Automatically (15:36)
Section2: Linux
1. Linux Introduction (19:43)
2. Commands And Filesystems (8:38)
3. More Commands(mkdir, cp, mv, touch etc) (12:39)
4. vim editor (12:56)
5. File Types (10:52)
6. Filters (21:14)
7. Redirections (14:01)
8. Users And Groups (13:51)
9. File permissions (13:39)
10. Sudo (9:05)
11. Package Mangement (14:37)
12. Services (5:20)
13. Processes (10:12)
14. Archiving (5:49)
15. Ubuntu commands (10:15)
6. linux commands
7. linux commands
8. linux commands
9. linux commands
10. linux commands
11. linux commands
12. linux commands
13. linux commands
14. linux commands
15. linux commands
16. linux commands
17 linux commands
18. linux commands
Section3: Vagrant & Linux Servers
1. Vagrant IP, RAM & CPU (11:20)
2. Vagrnat sync directories (10:18)
3. Provisioning (7:10)
4. Website & Wordpress Setup (27:08)
5. Automate Website & Wordpress Setup (18:30)
6. Multi VM Vagrantfile (13:08)
Section4: VProfile Project Setup
1. Manual
a. Introduction (8:52)
b.VM Setup (8:08)
c.DB, Cache & Queue Setup (13:47)
d. App setup (9:51)
e. Nginx Setup (2:59)
f. Validate (5:45)
2. Automated
a. Introduction (0:49)
b. Code (6:32)
c. Execution (5:54)
Section5: Bash Script
Bash (first script) (6:33)
Bash quotes (5:42)
Bash user inputs (4:52)
Bash(Command Substitution) (11:24)
Bash command line arguments (8:43)
Bash System Variables (8:04)
Bash( ExportingVariables) (10:15)
Bash variables (6:13)
Bash variables with examples (14:32)
Bash read with example (5:09)
Bash(Decision Making) (10:41)
Bash desicon making part 2 (9:19)
Bash(Decision Making with AND, OR) (9:49)
Bash loops (11:17)
Bash while loops (7:19)
Bash( SSH & FOR LOOP) (17:02)
Bash( SSH & FOR LOOP Part 2) (6:36)
Bash( SSH & FOR LOOP Part 3).mp4 (2:44)
Bash( Sample Scripts from Book , Mysql) (12:32)
Bash( Websetup script with Decision) (18:17)
Bash tomcat setup part 1 (25:52)
Bash( Tomcat Setup Part 2) (12:29)
Bash( Exercise FOR, IF etc) (11:25)
Section6: Networking
1. ISO (15:48)
2. Understanding Networks & IP (15:09)
3. Protocols, ports etc (8:28)
4. Networking Commands (14:48)
Section7: AWS Part -1
1. Intro (11:18)
2. Ec2 (24:26)
3. More in ec2 (14:21)
4. EBS (17:43)
5.EBS Snapshots (15:52)
6. ELB (25:05)
7. Cloudwatch (17:14)
8. EFS (15:11)
9. Autoscaling Group (25:39)
10. S3 (34:06)
11.RDS (24:25)
Section8: Aws Cloud For Project Set Up lift & shift
1. Introduction (10:34)
2. SecurityGroup & KeyPairs (7:00)
3. Ec2 Instances (20:05)
4. Build And Deploy .Artifacts (14:50)
5. LoadBalancer & DNS (5:40)
6. Autoscaling Group (7:37)
7. Validate & Summarize (2:41)
Section9: Re-Architecting Web App on AWS Cloud [PAAS & SAAS]
1. Introduction (12:51)
2. Security Group And KeyPairs (2:44)
3. RDS (9:19)
4. ElastiCache (3:42)
5. Amazon MQ (4:08)
6. DB Initialization (5:59)
7. Beanstalk (14:56)
8. Build & Deploy Artifact (10:02)
9. Cloudfront (4:31)
10. Validate And Summarize (4:51)
Section10: Git
1. Intro (16:34)
2. Versioning (18:03)
3. Branches & More (12:07)
4. Rollback (6:55)
5. SSH (4:18)
Section11: Maven
1. Intro (24:34)
Section12: Continuous Integration/Delivery with Jenkins
1. Introduction (6:48)
2. Installation (8:39)
3. First Job (6:56)
4. Tools in Jenkins (7:02)
5. Plugins, Versioning & more (16:59)
6. Nexus Software Repo Setup (23:19)
7. Nexus Usage (13:01)
8. Notifications (8:38)
9. Code Analysis (12:27)
10. Build Pipeline & Triggers (16:14)
11. Pipeline As A Code (15:37)
12. Remote Triggers wiith Auth (11:47)
13. Continuous Delivery (27:14)
14. Jenkins Master and Slave (18:24)
15. Authentication & Authorization (13:55)
Section13: Continuous Integration Using Jenkins, Nexus, Sonarqube & Slack
1. Introduction (14:25)
2. Security Group & Keypairs (6:15)
3. Ec2 User Data Scripts (5:50)
4. Setup Jenkins, Nexus & Sonarqube Server (16:26)
5. Build & Nexus Integration Job (7:49)
6. Slack Integration (8:00)
7. Test, Code Analysis, Sonarqube Integration (25:33)
8. Nexus Repository Integration (7:48)
9. Validate Pipeline & Summarize (9:31)
10. CICD-bakup-video (28:16)
Section14: Python
1. Intro (10:49)
2. Python on Linux, Versions & Indentation (9:46)
3. Quotes And Comments (4:17)
4. Variables (14:39)
5. Print Format (5:17)
6. Slicing (15:42)
7. Operators (16:33)
8. Conditions (15:12)
9. Loops (13:33)
10. Break & Continue (12:23)
11. Built-in FunctionsOrMethod (16:55)
12. Functions (17:24)
13. Functions part-2 (10:49)
14. Modules (6:37)
15. Os tasks (19:33)
16. Python Fabric (31:24)
Section15: Ansible
1. Introduction (15:37)
2. Setup Ansible & Infra (9:01)
3. Inventory & Ping Module (13:42)
4. YAML & JSON (9:03)
5. Ad Hoc Commands (9:20)
6. Playbook & Modules (26:32)
7. Modules- Find, Use, Troubleshoot & Repeat (10:47)
8. Ansible Configuration (18:07)
9. Variables & Debug (10:44)
10. Group & Host Variables (18:03)
11. Fact Variables (14:14)
12. Decision Making, Loops & More (8:45)
13. Loops (10:39)
14. File, copy & template modules (19:39)
15. Handlers (7:05)
16. Roles (28:18)
17. Ansible for AWS (18:34)
Section16: Continuous Delivery And Configuration Management [Jenkins plus Ansible]
1. Introduction (15:40)
2. Continuous Integration (84:49)
3. Launch Staging Server (10:48)
4. Playbook for Tomcat setup (10:26)
5. Playbook for Deployment (12:06)
6. Ansible on Jenkins (3:42)
7. Ansible Job in Jenkins (20:13)
8. Switch branch & Quality Gates (10:17)
9. Software Testing Job[Selenium] (20:31)
10. Prod Deployment Job (8:58)
11. Summarize Pipeline (2:26)
Section17: AWS Part 2
1. VPC Intro (27:50)
2. VPC Design & Components (8:34)
3. VPC Setup (38:48)
4. Ec2 Logs (29:30)
Section18: AWS Project CICD
1. Introduction (2:22)
2. Beanstalk (15:57)
3. RDS & App Setup on Beanstalk (16:37)
4. Code Commit (16:06)
5. Code Build (14:10)
6. Build, Deploy & CodePipeline (11:02)
Section19: Docker
1. Introduction (18:52)
2. Docker Setup (9:09)
3. Docker commands & concepts (22:23)
4. Docker volumes (17:08)
5. Building Images (20:53)
6. Containerizing Project (68:32)
Section20: Kubernetes
1. Introduction (22:39)
2. K8s Setup (27:51)
3. Pods (15:05)
4. Service (21:04)
5. Replication Controller (10:07)
Section21: Java App Deployment on Kubernetes Cluster
1. Introduction (5:10)
2. Spin K8s Cluster (2:47)
3. Volume Prerqs for DB POD (2:31)
4. Source Code Overview (3:08)
5. Kube secret for passwords (4:21)
6. DB Deployment Definition (12:20)
7. DB Service Definition (2:13)
8. Memcached Deployment & Service (2:14)
9.1 RabbitMQ Deployment & Service (2:54)
9.2 Tomcat Deployment, Service & Initcontainers (5:56)
10. Provision Stack on K8s Cluster (3:07)
11. URL for website & Wrap up (4:02)
Section22: Terraform Tutorials
1. Terraform-IntroAndExercise1 (24:47)
2. Terraform-Exercise2_vars (12:26)
3. Terraform-Exercise3_Provisioners (24:51)
4. Terraform-Exercise4_output (5:03)
5. Terraform-Exercise5_backend (4:45)
6. Terraform-Exercise6_multiresourse (26:05)
Section23: Cloudformation Tutorials
1. Introduction (10:32)
3. Intrinsic Function (4:25)
2. First Example (9:43)
4. Change Set (6:17)
5. More Intrinsic Functions (6:07)
6. Multiple Resources (8:01)
7. Mappings And PseudoParameters (8:16)
3. RDS
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