Everything you need to know to master in Hadoop Development
Course Curriculum
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after you enroll
- Hadoop Introduction (61:38)
- Hadoop Features, Metadata , Checkpoint & Mapreduce (60:23)
- Mapreduce Continue, Hadoop 1.X Practical & hadoop 2.X Architecture (60:16)
- Namenode HA , Zookeeper & Hadoop Configuration Files (60:46)
- Change of Block Size, DISTCP Command & Hive Introduction (61:06)
- Hive Theory Continues - Hive Internal Table (60:47)
- Hive - External Table, Hive Metastore, Partition & Static Partition (59:46)
- Hive - Dynamic Partition, Bucketing (45:00)
- Hive - Views, Types of Joins & Indexing (54:37)
- Sqoop - Introduction, Features, Sqoop Import (58:37)
- Sqoop - Sqoop Export (59:03)
- Sqoop - Incremential Import (59:22)
- Hbase - Introduction, Architecture, Hbase Components & Hbase login (59:31)
- Hbase - Practicals - Create Table and loading data into Hbase (60:09)
- Pig - Introduction & practical (60:56)
- Pig - Commands & practical (59:28)
- Pig - Type of Bags & practical (60:53)
- Pig - writing Pig Scripts (62:12)
- Pig - Joins, Nested queries, Operators & Practicals (60:30)
- Pig - Converting CSV file to Json and vice versa (61:07)
- Mapreduce --Introduction to Hadoop 1.X ,Map ,Shuffle,reduce and wordcount example (60:50)
- Mapreduce - Combiner,Partitioner and MapReduce Job Flow (57:58)
- Mapreduce - Work Count example exexution & explanation (61:37)
- Hadoop - Yarn, Scheduling Algorithm, Speculative execution (60:12)
Frequently Asked QuestionsÂ
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have 4 years access to this course.
Can i share my login with others?
No! Sharing login details with others is strictly prohibited. If detected we will revoke your access to the site without prior notice