FYI..Uploaded Online training videos, Portal videos will be uploaded soon
Your Instructor

Imran has been working as an Consultant and Architect for quite a long time. He has designed and implemented some of the most complex and mission critical Continuous Delivery solutions. Imran has worked his way from System Admin, all the way upto DevOps consultant for designing resilient, high performance and secured solutions, as well as training people about building and managing such solutions.
Course Curriculum
Available in
after you enroll
StartDocker Introduction (49:19)
StartDocker & Kubernetes Architecture (42:07)
StartDocker Installation on VM (41:23)
StartBasic Networking (47:10)
StartBasic Networking-2 (56:18)
StartDocker CE Installation on Centos (57:28)
StartDocker Directory Structure & Image (48:28)
StartDocker Networking (51:14)
StartDocker Port Forward (38:23)
StartDocker Port Forward -2 (18:22)
StartDocker Volume (39:14)
StartCreating Docker Custom Image (32:30)
StartDocker Namespace & Cgroup (40:01)
StartDocker Image Shipping (55:31)
StartDocker Swarm Intro (50:41)
StartDocker Machine (48:36)
StartDocker Machine -2 (38:41)
StartDocker Machine Creation on AWS (38:50)
StartUbuntu Installation (49:02)
StartDocker Swarm (51:54)
StartDocker Swarm -2 (49:41)
StartDocker Swarm Service (40:03)
StartCreating Sample Dockerfile (47:47)
StartSetting up jenkins using Docker file (35:34)
StartPod Ready-nesss & Docker Private Registry (49:55)
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have one year access to this course.
Can i share my login with others?
No! Sharing login details with others is strictly prohibited. If detected we will revoke your access to the site without prior notice.