Artificial Intelligence
Everything you need to know about Artificial Intelligence
Your Instructor
More than 8 years of experience Problem Solver, Data Scientist with outstanding service oriented background in Artificial Intelligence, Big Data Analysis, Statistical Modeling, Database Querying etc.
Course Curriculum
First Section
Available in
after you enroll
StartData Science Artifitical Intelligence
Start1.Statistics Basics (12:26)
Start2.Descriptive Statistics (33:00)
Start3.Artificial Intelligence Basics (17:11)
Start4.DataScience Lifecycle (28:11)
Start5.Introduction to Python (127:44)
Start6.Numpy (87:57)
Start7.Pandas Part 4.1 (70:30)
Start8.Pandas Part 4.2 (82:46)
Start9.Machine Learning Basics (36:51)
Start10.Linear Regression (25:20)
Start11.Usecase1 Linear Regression (28:59)
Start12.Linear Regression Usecase2 (27:17)
Start13.Logistic Regression (14:14)
Start14.Logistic Regression Usecase1 (55:43)
Start15.Logistic Regression UseCase2 (23:17)
Start16.Introduction To KNN Algorithm (9:45)
Start17.KNN Usecase 1 (24:20)
Start18.KNN Usecase 2 (17:28)
Start19.Introduction To DecisionTrees And RandomForests Part 1 (11:41)
Start20.Understanding DecisionTrees And RandomForests part 2 (25:16)
Start21.DecisionTrees And RandomForests Part 3 (45:52)
Start22.Cluster Analysis Basics Part 1 (10:44)
Start23.Cluster Analysis Basics Mathematics Part 2 (6:41)
Start24.Data Visualization with matplotlib Part 1 (55:29)
Start25.Data Visualization with matplotlib Part 2 (23:45)
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own
Can i share my login with others?
No! Sharing login details with others is strictly prohibited. If detected we will revoke your access to the site without prior notice.