Azure DevOps Classroom Training
Everything you need to know to master in Azure DevOps
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Course Curriculum
Azure DevOps
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after you enroll
StartAzure portal & DevOps Services- Introduction (56:50)
StartAAD & its hierarchy (56:19)
StartARM overview & VM Creation (56:38)
StartAzure AD roles & Azure roles (57:36)
StartAAD Users & RBAC (52:53)
StartAAD users, groups & roles (53:44)
StartHypervisor & Azure Virtual Machine (61:42)
StartAzure VMs - RG,Disks,Zones,RDP (47:25)
StartAzure VMs - Policy, Services,CLI (58:31)
StartAzure Storage Account (53:03)
StartStorage Types & Availability Zones (54:10)
StartAzure Blob Storage -1 (23:16)
StartAzure Blob Storage -2 (10:44)
StartAzure Blob Storage -3 (55:58)
StartAzure File Share & Tables (56:04)
StartAzure-App service, Word Press & DB (59:43)
StartDocker-Introduction (54:35)
StartDocker Engine & Containers (54:18)
StartAzure Container App & Docker Networking (55:30)
StartContainer Communication & Container Instance (53:23)
StartDocker file (43:59)
StartDocker file & Parameters (54:14)
StartDocker Volumes (48:16)
StartAzure Container Registry - 1 (60:52)
StartAzure Container Registry - 2 (37:49)
StartDocker Compose (45:17)
StartDocker Compose & K8s Architecture (52:16)
StartK8s Architecture & AKS (52:53)
StartAKS (57:40)
StartK8s setup on VM (49:56)
StartK8s - Multi-container in POD (60:38)
StartK8s - Deployment & Daemon Set (52:40)
StartK8s - Deployment & K8s Functionalities (55:48)
StartK8s - Other Services & Volumes (58:35)
StartK8S-Volumes (51:21)
StartK8s - PV, PVC & Configmap (48:35)
StartK8s - Configmap, Secrets, Jobs & Cron Jobs (59:00)
StartK8s - Cronjobs, Stateful set (60:06)
StartK8s - Authentication & Authorization (54:06)
StartK8s - Ingress Controller (59:43)
StartADO & Version Control System (53:37)
StartAzure Repo & GIT (59:33)
StartMerge & Pull Requests (41:36)
StartAzure Pipelines - Classic (47:22)
StartAzure Pipelines - YAML (66:14)
StartPipelines - Dotnet Code Deployment (47:14)
StartVS code, PAT, Artifact Feed (58:05)
StartDeployment Strategies & Release Pipeline (58:24)
StartCI & CD - Docker Images with ACR (49:53)
StartCI & CD with Self Hosted Agent (57:20)
StartAzure Load Balancer - 1 (75:46)
StartAzure Load Balancer - 2 (58:25)
StartAzure Load Balancer - 3 (51:37)
StartVirtual Machine Scale set (54:37)
StartApplication Monitoring (39:06)
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
Can I share my login with others?
No! Sharing login details with others is strictly prohibited. If detected we will revoke your access to the site without prior notice.